Today... I admit that I already failed this challenge today, so I will have to do this and another one tomorrow. My challenge was to write down every time I spoke in an unkind manner. Now, I, of all people, understand the urge / desire / compulsion to use less than loving ways of communication, ESPECIALLY to the short people that run around you and on more than one occasion test your patience. But that does only serves as an excuse from speaking unkindly.
Christ always spoke truth in a kind way. It wasn't necessarily easier to hear, but yelling at everyone like a maniac to drive His point home was probably not His preferred manner of speaking. So why do I use it so often? In order to be an example to my children and husband, not to mention my neighbors (some of whom probably don't know Christ) I need to be a living example of the Gospel that changes lives.
But why write it down? Because you will blush and probably be humbled to your knees once it becomes evident just how frequently unkind words are spoken. Discipline and correction do not need to come out of frustration, but out of love and a concern for the recipient. Yelling rarely communicates this point in a proper manner.
Blessings to you and yours!
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